Sort Option Add dateBuilt up AreaPriceBedroomsProperty TypeLot AreaZipcodeFeatured Add date descendingAdd date ascendingBuilt up Area descendingBuilt up Area ascendingPrice descendingPrice ascendingBedrooms descendingBedrooms ascendingProperty Type descendingProperty Type ascendingLot Area descendingLot Area ascendingZipcode descendingZipcode ascendingFeatured descendingFeatured ascending Grid List More Details 630 Neela Dr., Van Wert, OH 45891 630 Neela Dr 2Picture(s)0Sqft Very nice storage building in a good location. 2 overhead doors with an entry door as well. 1400 square feet of endless potential workshop, storage, man-cave. $79,900 1 Results returned.Per Page 612182430100